Thursday, March 18, 2010

Student Loans

Was flipping through this months Kiplinger's and came across an article on How to Shed Student Loan Debt. As of late, this has been one of my chief concerns when I lay head to pillow and contemplate the future. How the hell am I going to get rid of this college debt? It makes me wonder about the generations passed who are the ones making all this money off of rising education costs. "Here you go boy, head off to college. We'll give you a nice shiny degree (which you'll need to get a job anywhere excluding The Hatcreek or Keeler Farms) then all you have to do is pay $75,000 for it, including interest. No sweat right? Sign at the bottom...

Will my generation be as quick to dig a gigantic hole under it's children and grandchildren? Or will we just pass the hole we're in on to them? People wonder why there's no class movement. I don't. Most certainly, if I was on the receiving end of all the cash that's generated from the interest on the debt college grads stay in, I wouldn't give it up either.

"Kick 'em when they're down kick 'em when they're up." - Don Henley
(their music)

Anyways, it never does any good to bring up problems and never mention any solutions which is why I posted the link to the article above. Looks like there are a select few out there who are willing to give college grads the leg up they deserve.

"I'll tighten my belt before I ask for help." - Jay-Z

I'm not big on asking for help myself but maybe if I swallow my pride now, It'll mean a better future for my kids down the road. I'll still pay my taxes, which means that many in this country will still eat (and have a cell phone and drive a new car but that's a whole other story) In conclusion, I guess I shouldn't complain. I don't live in New Orleans, Haiti, Chile, or a dumpster. Doesn't mean some circumstances don't get to me from time to time.


Awioa said...

I will say keep paying them cause we have learned how much it sucks when you don't. Bonus side stay with the schools for 10 years and in good standing with you loan, at which point the government will write off. If Red Mountian is classified low income, then you can be free in 5 years.

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