Monday, August 22, 2005

The Quiet Township

As the wind whistles through the empty buildings and the dust rides it's currents leaving a irreplaceable mark upon the streets, a lonely tumbleweed meanders by, all is dry and alone. The stench of fatigue is rampant as the sun sets behind the clouds to the west. A storm builds to the east, but the rain will only dampen spirits and fill this place with darkness and loathing. As a crack of thunder breaks the masthead of the storm open, pouring the icy sludge into the air, Allentown cries out for the fruits of commerce to defend it's broken community. While the storm consumes the rooftops of the small township, dispair is burned into the souls of all here. Retribution? Rebirth? Not today I fear. Not today. The ground begins to break, and the borough is all but swallowed by this predator of time and space. As the storm slowly passes, Allentown embraces the cold mud in which it rests. All that remains is the warrant of tomorrow. Left only alive enough to endure the strife to come, the quiet township carries on.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


The world of debits and credits is not one I am good with. The long list of pluses, minuses, and numbers that make up my checking account balance, daily beckons my mind's door; beating it down with F.O.D.F's. I can't even creatively denote my feelings on the matter, it infuriates me more and more as I try to write about it. If the acronym that makes up the title doesn't make sense to you, then I can only assume that you've never had the pleasure of finding one on your list and that you are an extremely intelligent and responsible person and you are too intelligent to be reading this blog. I hate F.O.D.F's Plain and simple. I hate them for their cost and for the fact that they put a dollar amount on my stupidity. "Nice move jackass- that'll be $33 dollars" they seem to say. "Oh wait, we ring the meal as one purchase and the tip as another- $66 please. We know it's only $2 difference, but that's the price you pay for being a fool. Oh you don't have $66 to cover the fees no problem you can pay them whenever you get the money, it'll only cost you $4 a day. Thanks, see you again next time. Jackass." Though I hate them, I enjoy their humorous reality checks. I'm grateful to have their help getting to the next stage.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I've reached a crossroads in my life. Up till now I've kept in mind the words of Robert Frost as I venture down the road less traveled by. For Frost, the choice to roam off the beaten path made all the difference. I too chose the one less traveled by. In taking this path of uncertainty, I've gained many things. The greatest of my discoveries along my way is that I've crossed the path of the one for whom I was searching. My Adriana. She is my happiness, my light, my home. From the beginning, the destination of my journey has been home, it just wasn't set to be reached so early in my life.
This is where my conflict lies. Should I proceed down the path I've taken thus far? In looking down the path that led me home, I'm lost in deciding what to do. The direction of the planned path has been offset by this fortuitous transversion with it's destination. What is the use for the means after the end has been met? When the only joy found in the means was the promise of an end. Am I to respect the path and continue onward, or take what I've been blessed to find and run? If there are any fellow travelers out there who are willing to assist a novice journeyman, please extend your wisdom. As I travel farther along in my life splitting the fork trying to decide between the two paths, I am becoming lost. Where do I go from here? I took the one less traveled by, and now I'm plagued with indifference.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Begining

I'm new to Blogger. Setting up my first post. Hello everyone, the names Justin. I'm from New Mexico and I like mexican food. It's nice to meet everyone. Thanks for listening.